Research for Gender Blend: Specialist Photography

According to this article on bbc news – ‘Germany, Australia, Nepal and Pakistan now offer a third gender option on official forms with other countries set to follow suit. And scientists are finding more evidence to suggest that even biological sex is a spectrum’. The fact that there are some countries offering a third gender on forms is a good start on gender fluid being accepted socially.

‘Sex is a biological concept. Male or Female. Gender is a social construct. Man or woman’. The first point made in this article is an interesting one.
A lot of the comments made on these articles are mostly opinion based. But I’m not saying that this is a bad thing. There is a logic to these arguments made. ‘Gender is a social construct’ This makes a lot of sense if you think about it. Back in the days of misogyny and prejudice against women, this was a social construct of men thinking that women didn’t deserve equal rights and again with race. Sex is biological but gender is social construct.
People are now expressing themselves and identifying outside the usual gender normality. There is also non binary, these are people that don’t want to fall under the category of male or female so they choose to have no gender. Another one is Transgender, these are people that want to switch sexes from man to woman but sometimes want to still want to remain without a gender, However transgender is a biological change and not a social change.
There is an unfortunate divide on this particular topic, I’ve heard some not very nice comments made towards people expressing their genders differently. The fact that some countries are making small changes to adapt to this social construct means that people/countries are slowly making the progress to bigger movements regarding how they can include everybody.

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